Parry Shen says a fond farewell to a General Hospital colleague who’s ‘Near & Dear’: “I Will Immensely Miss working with him.”

“He set a tone for me.”

Parry Shen posted an October 3 Instagram photo that stated, “If you have ever watched General Hospital you will have seen his name in the opening credits over the years — William Ludel.” He is retiring.

Brad’s portrayal continued, “Bill will always remain near and dear to [my experience] with the show because he set [the tone] for me in a medium where I wasn’t very familiar in [knowing] [what was] permitted in the daytime.” I first met Bill in April 2013, when I was working on my fourth episode. Brad was talking to Spinelli about Ellie being hit by a car. To make it more irritating for Spinelli, I made a ‘beep beep’ sound instead of the word “car.” Bill allowed me to do it and then left it in.

Shen was thrilled with the result. He said, “Once I realized I could have some fun talking about the action/dialogue and still keeping the original context of the scene intact — all the quirks Brad developed during each collaboration with Bill.” While all other directors have given me this freedom since then, I must admit that Bill was my first. I looked forward to those first episodes knowing how Bill worked and that I could let loose.

Shen and Ludel continued to work together over the years. Shen recalls that another memorable collaboration was when Obrecht would push Brad off of the parapet in March 2014. “Her straight-up push after her dialogue felt missing…something.”

After much rehearsal, we finally realized that Obrecht had to leave the scene. This allowed the audience to believe that it was a threat and Brad was safe. He said that Obrecht would then return to the location for the shove. “Delaying the push was not only in Obrecht’s ulterior nature, but it also added surprise and humor with that extra beat.”

The Emmy winner is simply brilliant. Shen concluded, “To say that I will miss working with him is an understatement. But I am excited about the well-deserved next chapter of his life.” “Thank you, Bill, on behalf of all the cast, crew, and myself.

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